Josh (Alfred Walker) and Grace (Denyce Graves)
Josh grabs Grace as she is leaving him, Act II, Scene 4

Act I Scene 1
Boys playing stickball outside a Brooklyn barbershop

Elder Barber threatening boys
Act I Scene 1 - Elder Barber (Norman Shankle) scolding boys who hit a stickball into his shop.

Younger Barber
Act I Scene 1 - Philip Gay as the Younger Barber, listening to "Did You See Jackie Robinson Hit That Ball" on the radio

Act I Scene 1 - Younger Barber (Philip Gay) sings along, with boredom, as Elder Barber (Norman Shankle) recounts Josh Gibson's great statistics.

enter Josh
Act I Scene 2 - Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) arrives for a fateful at-bat in Yankee Stadium, 1930.

Baseball at Yankee Stadium
Act I Scene 2 - players enact the Elder Barber's memory of Josh Gibson's great home run at Yankee Stadium.

Josh sees the pitch
Act I Scene 2 - Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) recognizes a pitch as one he's about to clobber.

Did you see Josh Gibson hit that ball?
Act I Scene 3 - Choral spectators respond to Josh's great home run.

Did ya see?
Act I Scene 3, spectators reveling in the face of Josh's enormous blast.

Josh and Helen, Homestead
Act I Scene 3, Helen Gibson (Jacqueline Echols) makes a picnic for Josh (Alfred Walker) in a Homestead park.

Helen and Josh
Helen Gibson (Jacqueline Echols) and Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker).

Josh and his twins
Act I Scene 3 - Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) holds his twins as he describes Helen's death to the audience.

Josh's aria
Act I Scene 3 - Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) sings of the choices he faced after the death of his young wife Helen.

The Crawford Grill
Act I Scene 4 - a jubilant scene at the Crawford Grill.

Doubly Duty Radcliffe and Judy Johnson
Act I Scene 4, Double Duty Radcliffe (Terrence Chin-Loy) and Judy Johnson (Robert Anthony Mack) at the Crawford Grill.

Josh and Hattie
Act I Scene 4, Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) enters the Crawford Grill with his date, Hattie (Jasmine Muhammad)

The scribe
Act I Scene 4, collecting bets for Gus Greenlee at the Crawford Grill, it's the scribe (Martin Bakari).

That's my number
Act I Scene 4 - Enter Grace (Denyce Graves), with the winning number at the Crawford Grill.

Letters in the sky...
Act I Scene 4, Grace (Denyce Graves), Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker), and Wendell Smith (Sean Panikkar) imagine Josh's possible future in the white leagues.

Josh and Wendell
Act I Scene 5, Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) meets Wendell Smith (Sean Panikkar), to discuss Smith's desire to integrate baseball.

Act I Scene 5, Wendell Smith (Sean Panikkar) tells Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) about his own experiences with discrimination, and why he believes Josh could change things.

Grace and Josh
Act I scene 6, Grace (Denyce Graves) tells Josh (Alfred Walker) of the promise she sees in him.

I sure believe in you...
Act I Scene 6, Grace (Denyce Graves) offering Josh (Alfred Walker) love and support.

At the Senators' Office
Act I Scene 7, Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) arrives at the office of Clark Griffith (Ray Very), owner of the Washington Senators, who awaits with his nephew, Calvin (Brian Vu).

Could your negro ballclubs still survive...
Act I Scene 7: Clark Griffith (Ray Very) disingenuously explains to Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) disingenuously why it is in his best interest to remain in a segregated league. Calvin (Brian Vu) looks on.

Stop by and see me any time, boy
Act I Scene 7: Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) looks skeptically at Clark Griffith's (Ray Very) extended hand.

All I ever wanted...
Act I Scene 8, Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) sings of his frustration after his meeting with the Washington Senators' owner, and of his hopes in life.

What do I say?
Act I, Scene 8Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) defiantly flaunts an offer to play in the Mexican League in the face of Wendell Smith (Sean Panikkar).

Hello Mexico
Act I, Scene 8 - a jubilant celebration before players leave for Mexico.

Vera Cruz bound
Act I Scene 8, Double Duty Radcliffe (Terrence Chin-Loy), Sam Bankhead (Kenneth Kellogg) and Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) sing about the benefits of playing in Mexico.

Señor Alcalde
Act II Scene 1, Señor Alcalde (Eric Ferring), Mayor of Vera Cruz, sings about Josh Gibson's Most Valuable Player award.

Act II, Scene 1 - 3 Mariachi singers celebrate the Summer King.

Grace wants to talk
Act II Scene 1, Grace (Denyce Graves) approaches Josh (Alfred Walker) during the celebration in Mexico to talk about going back home.

Act II scene 1, Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker), celebrates to excess in Mexico.

High Living
Act II Scene 1, Cool Papa Bell (Philip Gay), Double Duty Radcliffe (Terrence Chin-Loy), Hattie (Jasmine Muhammad), Sam Bankhead (Kenneth Kellogg), Judy Johnson (Robert Anthony Mack) and Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) sing of "High Living" in Mexico.

Head pains
Act II Scene 1, Josh (Alfred Walker) first experiences head pains after celebrating in Mexico.

Mr. Branch Rickey
Act II Scene 2: Branch Rickey (Ray Very) tells Wendell Smith (Sean Panikkar) of his plan to hire a black player.

And Gibson murders another one...
Act II Scene 3, Josh (Alfred Walker), alone on stage, singing of his frustration.

I'm scuffled off the headlines...
Act II Scene 3, Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) sings about being forgotten, and also of increasing pains inside his head.

You heard from Wendell yet?
Act II Scene 3: Sam Bankhead (Kenneth Kellogg) asks Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) if there's been any word from Wendell Smith (presumably about getting a call to the big leagues).

Batting practice with Josh Gibson
Act II Scene 3 - batting practice and playing the dozens, with (l to r) Sam Bankhead (Kenneth Kellogg), Trash-Talking Player (Martin Bakari), and Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker).

Trash-Talking Player
Act II Scene 3, Trash-Talking Player (Martin Bakari) takes a swing.

Josh behind the plate
Act II Scene 3, Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) playing catcher.

Don't trash talk the King of Summer, son.
Act II Scene 3, Sam Bankhead (Kenneth Kellogg) warns Trash-Talking Player (Martin Bakari) against trash-talking Josh (Alfred Walker). With Judy Johnson (Robert Anthony Mack), Dave Hoskins (Kyle Oliver), Double Duty Radcliffe (Terrence Chin-Loy) and Cool Papa Bell (Philip Gay).

History just got done
Act II Scene 3 - Players react to news from Wendell Smith (Sean Panikkar) about the signing of Jackie Robinson. With Double Duty Radcliffe (Terrence Chin-Loy), Judy Johnson (Robert Anthony Mack), Cool Papa Bell (Philip Gay), Dave Hoskins (Kyle Oliver), Trash-Talking Player (Martin Bakari). Sam Bankhead (Kenneth Kellogg) and Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) stand apart.

You think you can drink your way into the big leagues?
Act II Scene 4, Grace (Denyce Graves) confronts Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) in the old, broken down Crawford Grill after the news breaks about Jackie Robinson.

And Joe...he's seen me
Act II Scene 4, Josh (Alfred Walker) tells Grace (Denyce Graves) about imaginary encounters with Joe DiMaggio.

I'm gonna die tonight
Act II Scene 5, Josh (Alfred Walker), alone on a bed, approaching death.

You ain't gonna answer me?
Act II Scene 5: Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker) beseeches an imaginary Joe DiMaggio to answer him.

I hit the ball on a line...
Act II Scene 5: Josh (Alfred Walker) tells Sam (Kenneth Kellogg) about his fabled Yankee Stadium home run before he dies.

Josh's death
Act II Scene 5: Josh Gibson (Alfred Walker), dead.

A home run clear out of Yankee Stadium?!
Act II Scene 6: Younger Barber (Philip Gay) makes fun of Elder Barber's (Norman Shankle) claims about Josh Gibson.

Outside Yankee Stadium
Act II, Epilogue: Kids gather to play ball outside Yankee Stadium.

Whoa...the pitch...
Act II, Epilogue: Kids mimic the action of Josh Gibson's game inside Yankee Stadium.

That ball was just walloped to kingdom come.
Act II, Epilogue: The Radio Announcer (Ray Very) narrates Josh's fabled home run.

Did you see?
Act II, Epilogue: Kids find Josh's baseball outside Yankee Stadium.

Maestro Antony Walker

Director Sam Helfrich
Alfred Walker brings director Sam Helfrich to the stage.

Mark Campbell
Jacqueline Echols brings co-librettist Mark Campbell to the stage.

A composer kiss
Dan Sonenberg blows a kiss to the orchestra.

The Company